Monday, November 29, 2010

Its ok to figure it out as you go.
I decided it was ok because it’s the only way to feel ok about such an unstable industry.
I decided that I float through my words like they are ambitions.
My voice is how I want to make my mark.
Writing, singing creating life from an idea or truth inspired moments, is a constant.
I will continue as long as I stay observant and mediative.

I want to point out little moments of colour, life and intrigue.
Give bits of me and bits of the world.
I was just talking with my friend the other day about how many talents there are across the world, dancers, singers, musicians, actors, writers. The idea of art as life are so full and so endless.
As is opportunity. As is life.
Stay aware to its claws and calls.
Stay above and open and optimistic.
We need to speak our piece and share are ideas and art.
For whom better to inspire than each other. Our Mamma’s always taught as to share.
Lets put our teaching to use.
Don’t dispel or cheat one another. Don’t plagiarize or lie.
But dig through the crazy, full box of thought that is the internet.
Don’t be scared to trust technology and sift, surf cruise the net.
I speak in third person here. I speak to me first.
Then translate through to you.
I want to write about life, food, health, movies, music, fashion, dance, drama.
I am scared of politics, and religious talk, I fear we can never speak the same language when it comes to these topics. So you won’t find me in that section of the library or papers.
But you will find me….again I am talking to myself at this point.

I wouldn’t know what to do with a gun,
I wouldn’t know what to do without my words.
I have decided its ok to figure it out as I go.
I can’t get stuck in the nine to five.
Words will one day be my bread and butter.
It may only pays for my bread for some time that s ok too, ill enjoy the toppings much more later. With my love by my side.
For now I’m cool eating my toast plain.

must be love

A cliché?
Never no way.
Its nice to find another who you are truly compatible with.
I have found it to be a struggle in my 25 years of breathe thus far.
Polar. Epic extremes of love I have for family and friends, friendships and alliances formed with ease.
Relationships not so much.
He liked me right away. I liked that I wasn’t scared of him.
I have hoped for many things, but all at the wrong time.
I have had many beautiful moments, (don’t get me wrong,) they all seemed to…
But that’s all they ever were.
Mere moments, I misunderstood as relationships. Happy to settle simply because I knew I was unconventional.
Always cool because it worked for me. Big egos, big energies.
Have to be hugely creative, and inspiring, to feed off that and be bigger than life.
Full of light and smiles, perfect until it all of a sudden isn’t.
Obsessive, anxiety, tears, lack of sleep, lack of food, lack of light.
These things I craved and belived up to be what made me feel good, where everything that was wrong, making me crave things that were not good for me or my health at all. Making me on edge and as a result unable to touch the ground properly.
I needed new ground, new shoes a new path.
Sucked dry and totally worse off than before.
A friend once said to me ‘you were fine before him, you’ll be fine after him.’ I could never help but wonder if I was fine before him why did I seek this out? If I was fine I wouldn’t have batted my eyes to it? Perhaps the key to realisation is appreciation for what was. Not hatred or ill will.
I created more wholes to repair. More damage.
Never a fan of Tiffany’s or tissues, but more of a girl than I ever let myself believe.
I moved away took a break and gave myself a break also. Don’t be so hard, beating yourself up when your already bruised.
So use to dealing on my own, in private. In my music and my words.
Now I deal with him and its scary but secure at the same time.
He loves my crazy as much as my calm, and I couldn’t have it any other way.

No two people can ever fully get each other, it’s the accepting of that, that makes a relationship. t
That’s the sacred key ever ones searching for. The hardest part is letting someone in, not figuring them out, that bit, that’s the fun bit.
Figure me out baby, I dare you.
I want to be that wife, that mother, that bride.
I will venture and float, but always come back to you, as my mother taught me to always go back to the truth, you feel true, and you are my truth.

round two, with 2

Too far gone I can guarantee that man is in her coffee
In her diary in her laundry in her nightie
Too far gone is the danger when your gone
You are not there.
But you can be here one moment and gone the next
So come back to the here
Come back to the present.
That amazing gift of a second chance.
A second dance can feel just as good as the first.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

swear words, words unworthy

“The kindest word in all the world: is the unkind word unsaid”

Your words are harsh and unnecessary
I don’t like them, much like your energy.
You speak profanity to mask your fear
Bold and aggressive you have no idea,
The off balance you set just by your presence
Swear all you like, swear loud, with some merit.
I choose not to re type re phrase your foul mouth
I choose not to strike the iron you want me to shout
People fall out of line and stumble on their coffee
I have seen it before so your brute doesn’t shock me.
It’s not just your words that seem to end with blasphemy
The way you walk the way you eat, it’s in all that you carry.
Put your bag down, unload some of the junk
We good folk just don’t give a ‘fuck’
See how nasty this tastes left on the tip of the tongue?
That’s what you do to others with your shrill aggression
Take time, chew your food and your words too
Language is a gift that should be met with gratitude.
Take a que from the classics, a leaf out of their book
Wordsworth, Poe, Plath, Hemingway and Virginia Woolf.

“That best portion of a man's life, his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.” Wordsworth

butterfly thoughts

My mood, the colour of wine.
My thoughts, deep red much the same.
Butterflies won’t leave the brain today all I can do is manifest.
Lock me out if need be, I know my head is overbearing.

Mood right now, blocked. Hard.
Mediate right now, I just can’t.
Butterfly thoughts free my mind; I keep lists to lessen their chatter scatter endurance.
Not in my stomach but my head, excited little energy babies that
Take wing in couplets like beautifully phrased poems.
Syntax of my words in tune, in key, in time.
Quickly before I loose my mind.
They float out at night, when I practice mediative sits.
They store in my dreams and do crazy things.
When I’m sitting straight and eyes shut, I feel them literally leave my brain. Butterfly thoughts as they rise and take leave, they make my head light, like the wings, like the delicate breathlessness of the creature itself. I am calm, I am at peace.
Lovely little butterflies.
Tonight can’t seem to shoot free. The darkness grabbed a net
Tried to catch me.
My mood, wine and a dark lit room.
Ill lace the mind with blood tinted calm, sink into sleep
Sedate beating wings that need a night before release.

brothers keeper

He knows that I know that he knows
That’s why we don’t care when other people think they know
Only one brother
Got no other.
Two sisters
All from the same Mr and Mrs.
His my friend. Hard to reach,
Yet there for keeps.
Let the rhyme subside…

A typical Cancerian, extremely sensitive, can’t stand confrontation.
Cancers are the deeply emotional, who are smooth and confident on the outside. Must be where the nickname ‘silky’ came from.
Also known as..Lanis, Matt, ‘the conda’ (don’t ask) brother bear and Lanny.
Eats everything in bread, dislikes sleeping pills and milky coffee.
At times my diary and reality keeper. At times the only one who understands me, then doesn’t get me at all.
Not a fan of liars, snakes, coriander, and alarms, loves cheese, preferably the platter…dressing gowns, hip hop music, sunglasses, double denim, chocolate bars, fancy dress and Mary poppins.
Usual suspects, and Crash among favourite films, into footy, his phone, holidays, and music festivals. Not afraid to wear pink, or speak from the heart.
Loved backstreet boys and Boys II Men growing up, and I never once questioned his sexuality. Brought up in a house full of woman and girls, may give you some leeway into the successful track score among female company.
A loyal friend, a sense of humour, athletic and assertive.

Introduced me to vegemite and avocado which I swear to God he started, now it’s some well known fact that the two rock together.
Much like as on a night out, our energy and quirks balance one other out, and entice admirers.

Used to cook me eggs in a cup in the microwave- yes I know, don’t dis it until you have tried it, I thought my big brother was a freaking genius.
Taught me to kick a footy (after many attempts), stick up for myself, play tetress, who Santa really was, and why Humphrey never speaks.
Tried many times to clue my logic towards chess, gambling and math but it would have none of it. Adore that he simply tried.
Used to do movies at least once a week, and we would see everything thanks to his free hook ups as one of the Village Cinema team leaders. Met Usher in that time and has too been in the presence of the Queen of England!
How times have changed, how doors have opened, how proud I am

I miss our closeness
I miss our childhood
I wish I could remember more of us as kids
I understand life can get in the way.
I am lucky to call this love my friend I am lucky I can call at all

Bubbles baths, holidays, hard times shared, easier to cope, the cone to my ice cream. Would be A dribbling mess, without him in my life.

A heart that accommodates for so much compassion and affection for nieces, nephews, cousins, and the like. Like me, totally in love with family.
Successful at what he does, club owner, event runner, thrower and defiantly a catch. For a day I know he would love to be a break dancer, or Denny Crane (Boston Legal.)
Jeff Kennet, Richard Branson, Elvis and our father among his heroes.
Never into violence- but if you do something wrong (to me) he will kill you.

Encouraged me to sing, a thanks permanently inked on my wrist and heart.
Sure I was his little punching bag through them adolescent years, but we made a deal when he turned 18 he wasn’t allowed to hit me any more. Since then body contact only consists of hugs and love and the occasionally back crack.
We have our own little way to do it, which most freaked out by the sight, butno one else can perfect quite like us and we know what we’re doing.
Ambitious, all round ladies man, (I am being generous with the loose ‘lady’ title here)...loose though many have been, when his with a lady of his heart he is all gentlemen.

Shared dreams and encouraged impetus
No room for people with bad manners, in fact you are an instant ugly.
Liars mean about as much as the last pieces of bread in a packaged loaf.
Very little at all. Disregarded. Destined for the trash.
This coming from a lover of bread.
Into fine dining, and cafes more so for breakfast, the sports and business ends of newspapers, into knowing the weather, what’s on in Melbourne, and the one to call for directions.
Forgive the cliché but knows me better than I know myself at times, perhaps some how a little psychic.

A pillow to cry into, fall asleep on, part of my jumbled, re arranging feng shui.
Part of my memory, creativity, and what drives me to be better.
I know life’s busy
I know I am sensitive
I know my brother better than the disco talk
I love that regardless how I feel, he is adored
By men women alike, no amount of time behind those doors can take away from the moments caught in precious photos, adored and scattered through out our parents place.
In a time and place where innocence was still threaded in our clothing.

Thoughtful, kind gift giver, art work, jewellery, musicals and leather goods!
Words of mockery, that know just how to stir my watery belly
Words of clarity to help level my untamed mentality
Words of rationality in an endless, exhausting attempt to tune my scattered mind
He loves that I walk on the other side of the footpath, he worries that I live in the dreamtime…that I love too hard, too fast and trust human beings far too much.
In his words ‘naivety’ in mine ‘mistrust’

I miss our closeness
I miss our childhood
I wish I could remember more of us as kids
I understand life can get in the way.
I am lucky to call this love my friend I am lucky I can call at all
I am humbled in the thought of our relationship
I am truly my brothers’ keeper.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


In tune with the liver points
The poor one sighs with frustration
It explains my behaviour of recent
Learn to project to feel to pursue and exude happiness before you can access it
I want out of this job. Pumping coffees and my energy into other people all day is not me.
To serve… serve for little purpose, little coin and little inspiration
I need to create to be moved. A vibration of this energetic field
Today Adrienne just re enforce to manifest and be grateful before quitting
I’m a writer, I’m a singer. I’m already writing, singing, already successful
In order to get it, and I will first I must believe it, speak it aloud and be happy in my present environment.
Tomorrow I will nuture that barrista like it’s my stage. The coffee beans my ink, and the groove heads that pour Mr and Mrs their caffeine hit, my love and words and art.
She unblocked the tension and clot in my head and brain channel and within a instant I jolted out of my body, that feeling you get just before you fall into sleep.
Calmer and more in tune with the earth, she grounded me
I ground the coffee- I want let it be a burden or a migraine
Weening off negativity to manifest my true path.
To have here or take away? To have and to hold. Any sugars? aint life the sweetest gift.
Gifted. Given space to acquire the wisdom to know I am blessed.

pretty dresses

I can wear pretty dresses, pearls and perfume
I can wear your dresses, on occasion I do.
I can wear your lace, designer and high shoes
I can wear it all just to amuse you
I put on the charm, the arouse and excite
Another pretty dress, much to your delight
Beneath is what you can’t see
What you choose to miss
It’s easy to done a dress
But my heart you can’t access

Friday, August 20, 2010

my tip 10 top health list: eat on shine on

My top 10 list of health/treat must haves:
Recently I partook in a 10 silent meditation course out in the hills- the most phenomenal mental and physical toxins entered and released from my body. A multitude of things happened to me one thing being a voice repeating “if your good to your body your body will be good to you” I am working on my vipassana piece at the moment so stay tuned;) but since returning I have been even more into doing good things for my body- putting nutrients and love into it and I love discovering new foods, fruits, vitamins- oils anything to help me feel and live a little longer;)
So I am going to set up a health tips kind of guide to different shops, teas, foods, anything I am loving or doing for myself that I feel are working and shifting something in me- I write to try and help others feel and connect and I think through our shared desire to be good to ourselves and bodies a health blog is a nice way to go about it without being to preachy- im not a trained professional but I know enough and hear loads from those around me so im’a share with you all- take what you will do as you feel;) the new blog will be called organic apple- for now heres my top 10 im loving it factors- come work at least one into your day or diet
Peace love and mung beans angel pies!

Its winter- its cold- it’s all a little sensitive and sore this time of year
Look after yourself man! Cut back on coffees and pack more fruit and lunch, then use that extra pocket to indulge in a few little luxuries;)
Heres what I’m loving…

1.Jujube berries- organic or health food shops. This is my latest new find. I just was attracted to them when shopping at wholefoods yesterday. Around $8 for a packet, they are an ancient Chinese remedy, from Sheenanog, used to nourish blood, liver and stomach- with me anything to help out my liver and aid for…mind and body, fatigue and weakness- which again with my years of chronic fatigue, anything to boost my tired body I hone in on, they also contain vitamin C, A, E, B and B2.

2. Coconut water- that latest craze, you will develop to crave at least one bottle a day. I’m trying to cut down on coffees so despite the over priced pull at $6 a bottle it seems justified. I discovered coconut water at my Bikram Yoga studio, and since buying one really cant stop. Its amazingly re hydrating for your body and your skin..and no not coconut cream, it is literally the real deal straight from the beautiful little nut itself. Im all about the treats of nature, natural and wholesome. If your feeling run down, just had a work out, or your skins freaking out from the wind and low cold lingers all around- go loco for coco I’m telling you. Try health food stores again but I’m sure before we know it, it will be much more accessible. The BEST brand is, Coco juice- pure organic coconut water in an old school carton. Unlike those ‘vitamin waters’ its low in sugar and carbs, its re storing and helps fight off the nasties, some have said it even promotes weight lost and boost the metabolism.
Im all about teas, and hot drinks in winter, but I also try to drink at least 3 to 4 litres of water a day. I love water, and cant fathom when people tell me they cant really drink it, but if this is the case, seriously check out coconut juice- pure organic coconut water.
Follow this link to see what some of the benefits are:

Once u have tasted it, the health benefits will seem extraneous, but check it all the same

3. Lavender oil: is almost becoming my new fragrance. A little on the back of your neck and wrists before you leave the house or before you get into bed will take that little edge away from your zone. Lavender means ‘to wash’ it has the ability to remove pain and nervous tension. With that being said don’t go crazy because too much will over power you and can cause head aches.
If you have some trouble sleeping too, lavender dabbed on your pillow is beautiful to inhale at night.

4. Tiger balm- extra strength! The chilli kind. This stuff rocks the socks of vics when your not well I believe…but be sure to wash your hands after applying or before going to the bathroom!...

5. Chilli chocolate: Lindt or Green and Blacks organic chocolate. They say chilli and dark chocolate are good for you- so put them both together and you must be doing something right for your body. I am admittedly addicted. It’s the bomb at night with a hot cup of peppermint tea- dip the chocolate in to you tea..mmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

6. English breakfast ‘natures cuppa’ organic tea- but theres a little trick to making it so good. Use cows milk or soy has to be organic and not light to get full cream effect- soak bag with honey or sugar and small piece of ginger.
Gives a beautiful smooth kick to your insides

7. Horseradish and garlic multi vitamins- you may gag at first, but these are dynamite for your immune system, I’m taking them right now actually, trying to kill this current colds butt.

8. Johnson’s baby oil or coconut oil for face and hair.
If your like me and you dry up in winter apply oil to your hair and face- gives you the silk that you need and creates an illusion of summer time with sweet coconuty smell! I like oil in my hair straight after I wash it as its fairly thick, but I found my skin loves oil especially in winter. You won’t get pimples that’s rubbish. I remember when I was younger and my sister had two American girls stay with us on exchange. They had the most phenomenal skin, and told my sister they washed their faces with cooking/olive oil every night!...
9. T2 tea strainer/pots. Easy to wash if you’re like me and drink around 100 cups of different teas a day hook yourself up with a single tea pot/plunger. I also have a friend who gets a great discount buying in bulk from T2 so if you have a Turkish apple addiction or a favourite herbal remedy you cant get enough of, enquire with in…
email me at
10. Epsom salts/ milk and orange aromatherapy oil
Bath time- male female, young old, sick not sick. Busy or chilled... Everyone must take one day a week for a bath….lay it with your left over milk, Epsom salts for aches and pains, and with a hit of orange essential oil, gives body and mind, and tantalizing, relaxing and rewarding little moment. Vitamin C outside as well as in, and takes away that dry, drab, brisky aired feeling of a chilly day. It does something to the insides, faster than a cup of hot coco. As Erykah Badu said “ladies make time for your bubble bath..”

Monday, August 2, 2010

GAGA for Esperanza.......

Esperanza Spalding is a rare and beautiful treat to the music scene..

Ga ga for Esperanza

Self taught to play bass by age of fifteen!
Her Mamma put the silk in her stride-, claiming to be her greatest influence “she was hip enough to teach me all before I understood..” mixing sexy with smooth like a delicate, seductive, detailed and defined dessert..
Left on your lips and mind, she’s just oozes cool, vocally and visually
Someone you would want to have over for dinner, someone you would instantly feel dope with when in her presence.
Her music is breath taking, calm, and so different to any thing going on these days..
An instrumentalist, vocalist and composer, influenced by saxophonist Donald Harrison, singer Patti Austin, and pianist Micheal Camilo…This divine being, only 24 years of age, studied at Berkley and seems to allude beyond her years…
She is doing something for the Jazz scene that I think is safe to say has not been done before on an modern, organic, international level…
She manages to mix a classic Billie Holiday, feel with Stevie Wonder, while delivering a Lauryn Hill, Foxy Brown resemblance, a down right cool attitude..
Composed and complete, rocks out and rocks with perfection..
Totally spunk, total gift, totally talented
Her name means ‘hope’ in Spanish, and she has said of her music she wants to lift people up and bring about hope, girlfriend most defiantly lives up to her name…
One in a million, someone’s shoes I would love to wear for a day, just to feel that way, that velvet grove of jazz and understanding of its truth and simplicity.
All I got to say is at some point today
Visit “endangered species”, and “grooves” on you tube and be taking away
May not mean much to some, but Letterman described her as the ‘coolest guest he had ever had on his show”…
Rarely do you see a woman playing bass…she can too switch to violin
Melting, mood, music. no lolly pop candy rubbish….she plucks on her bass, and hello you just as I did too, will go GAGA for Esperanza..
Sparling water of notes heart hit on high…

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

milk shake

To have and to hold
To have nothing at all
Quit trying to please
The hard working honey bees
Yes make music please
But no not to please me
You please him with your sex scribe
Is it art to which to mortify?
Don’t cry, don’t even speak
Your words and no longer knee deep
Im out to retreat to breathe in my own thoughts
Shed the guilt of the valueless lessons you taught
Good luck with your self
Your prayer and your health
Milk for the thirsty for the baby in blue
Toy with emotions is all that you do
No cream. No pillow, no cow trying for you
Full cream milk do clean the scattered winged dove
Full of lies, of shit will leave you un reached by love

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


mm kisses with my mini me
if i had the choice
i would crawl under your skin just to be closer to you
people who know me know im an effection being, but it comes from a place of truth...dont try and figure me out...just hold my hand and enjoy the silence...
i can get enough of human interaction
besides breathe its the one thing we all need and feel from a universal level..
life is too short
turn to your neighbour
grab there hand, throw a smile, a wink
don't think..just hug it out
family, friends new beings, animals, sick sad people..each day i try to spread a lil lovin because really 'all we need is love.'..........

short story inside a shell

this is an old story of mine..but thought i would share as it was considered for publication after i submitted it into a Austalian writing magazine for under 25 ..
i heard back personally from the editor with a re drafted piece by the woman herself! a rarity in the writing world! however i missed the boat as i was living in Byron at the time and to slow with my email responses as internet was far from my mind and access...
the fact it was recognised and felt was enough for me..its pretty dark and based on a personal experience...about someone special to me at the time and i felt compelled to write from my side of the shell after he gave me his journal to read- the journal was devowled in one nights sit, and touched the inside of my being- he recorded all he felt in this traumatic moment in his life..........peace with you all...

Darius has lived a good life so far.
Free from suffering.
Full of blessings, family, music and laughter.
With Islander blood and rhythmic intuition Darius seems to sail through success, lovers, parties and friendships.

He has worked hard for his credits fully knowing, yet unassuming as to the talent he has been blessed with.
Little does Darius know yet of his psychic abilities, and lately I feel his ego slipping into new heights.
He marks homage to his faith, baring a crucifix around his neck and reaps from the music industry benefits on offer.
Girls booze and parties…
Guitar in one hand, charisma in the other. He carries himself well.
Darius is about to fall.
Experience severe sorrow.
Now is not a good time for him, now he will enter the room and never be the same.
Please have respect for him and his family at this difficult time.

Pen to paper, thoughts to prayer, nothing can block it, prevent it, or even stall it anymore, his being taken from me.
A sea of guilt floods repentance to my brain. I can’t hear anything or look at my mother anymore.
I need to pray, the chapel may be my escape mechanism at the moment buts it’s the only means available to me where I can help him find peace.
I can’t face another single sad look from my family, the ‘we are so sorry’ look in their eyes burns wholes in my chest.
I can’t explain it but there is a supreme force enate in the air somewhere above my head and my frequent visits to the chapel are drawing it closer. What I need to do with it I am not sure, the one that would usually help me lays lifeless by my side.

The chapel offers hope and quiet; it offers a strange sense of endurance or adrenalin that I desperately appreciate right now. It acts as replacement for rest and food something my body misses frequently.
Somehow I can just manage to move from car to room, to chapel to sleep, to lunch to chair to shower, to my brothers bed side.
Prayer for him. Prayer for us.
I asked Darren if he was scared.
He nodded. I felt something die inside me from that. I could not let him be scared. That’s one thing I can heal, if not his health but his fear. My brother, his my boy, my life and he knows I have it in me. It hurts to breathe to even turn my head, but what on earth he must be feeling at full right now I can’t imagine. I will spend ever last minute ensuring his not scared. Pass in peace my brother.


Darius sat next to his brother studying his face. He no longer looked like his old self. Darius new in this moment he was actually going to loose his baby brother.
Loose his own sense of life and love. He could feel hope somewhere still, but uncertainty and fear triggered bullets in his mind that he refused to simply dodge anymore.

The pair were partners in crime. Adored and marvelled.
A rare blend of genuine brotherly love, music and creativity when put together were undefinable. Magnetic. Intoxicating.
The record deal was signed, the States in their horizon. Life was good. From humble upbringings they were about to live out their dream, the sweetest part of it all for them. Living it together.

Darren was three years younger than Darius and since birth barely left his brothers side. With no father around Darius felt responsible for his baby bro. He cared unfathomably deep for him and trained him into manhood when superior advise was all but absent. This was not a one way street of guidance however. As the pair grew up and became young men, they too became each others advisors; they were business partners, music creators, and best friends.
Darren was essentially his brother’s soul mate. His sole priority.
Nothing or no one will repair this tear. Tears now flood. The chapel door closes.
Bare a thought for his desperation. Re read the previous paragraph. Adhere to what was at stake. Life, youth, chance, love abolished.
Do come in.

I sit solid in prayer among a forum of angels, descendents and God, I pray ruthlessly, theirs are too in tune with mine, I will sit until I am heard.

Heavenly father hear my prayer
Here my plea, take me over him. Take all from me if you must, take my voice, my talent, my money, I will struggle for us both.
If you must take him from me let him not be afraid. Hold his hand, sing to him, I do not hate or blame you, I love you I worship all you do, I connect to your higher spirit I accept your way, I beg of you, if you must take him from us let his soul be upright and ok. Let him swing in breezes of golden rays, electrocute his mind with love so he is truly weightless and white.
Take him to his dream place where he can make it through and the moon and stars can’t even compare, take him to the love empire where he can stay for eternity.

I surrender my all to bear his suffering, list what you require of me and I will meet every need with force and without hesitance. I am yours to take.
Pros and cons.
To do lists
Brain storms
Lists mark my life. In pay cheques, identity, dreams and ideals.
What can I write now?
Who can I write with?
I need my brother. I need to hold his hand.


This room we are now looking down on is the room that will forever haunt Darius’s conscience. One room. One table. One doctor. Mum, sister, aunty and grandparents all grieve in silence or screams, and the room compassed with severe rays of pain and sensitivity cannot in any way dare to lend a hand.
The words seem to surreal to fathom.
‘Darren is going to die. I am so terribly sorry, the cancer is spreading now and a rapid rate and his body can’t fight it anymore.’
‘All you can do now is say your goodbyes and be with him until the end.”
Can you even imagine it?
A twenty six year old boy, stripped down to his shell, forced out of his body and life, into some other world. All too soon. Prayer for him. It’s ok to shed a tear.

I looked at Darren with every piece of my being, trying to force light upon him and inhale all the sorrow out of the room.
He just lay there in his shell. Out bodies are mere shells man, the face I stared into that was no longer my brother.
I told him I loved him and asked him if he loved me.
He couldn’t move.
I told him to squeeze my hand if he was scared. Nothing. I then told him to squeeze my hand if he loved me. The bones in my fingers felt like pieces of bruised fruit with everything I knew he had left in him Darren squeezed at my knuckles.
Tears streamed from my face in a strange downpour of sheer sadness and relief.
I deflated into his arms lying on my brother.
I felt his shell, cold and still, no longer in use, no more of me there. His fear passed, mine now creeping into my shell more alive than life itself.
I wept and held him and he surrendered.

I wanted so badly for my brother to live; instead I must live without him and have you always by my side. You sadness and you fear accompany me instead of Darren?
Yet Father I love you, yet my faith is more prominent than ever.
You tell me now how any of this is fair?
Pray for us. Pray for me.

swirling ink

i write because i can.
because i was assumed a role and folllowed their lead.
i write to taste my thoughts
to sleep, for peace.
i write because he told me to
more so
because she told me not to.
i write to prove nothing.
i write to learn about myself
to give a vessel to the silenced ghost screaming in my thoughts.
i write for children who never get the chance
to hold a pen to paper and let their minds dance.
i write to enforce an illusion
so all the useless information holds a purpose
i write so you listen,
i write so i stop.
i write physically mentally, incontrollably.
i write to create my own words
to feel among the men…im louder than your power.
i write to feel, to touch, to be full blown intimate.
intimate with the guts of human resourcefulness
i write to feel power
to feel controll.
i write about what i have learnt and lost
i write about nothing at all nothing at all.

to chai?

its winter..warm up your insides man with realllllllchai. i think its great that this ridiculous thearapudic tea is now such a trend and so accessable. and i knoowww the powdery ones just taste so sweet and yummy! but they are full of sugar and alot of crap. sure a better alternative to coffee and a sweet treat but there are so many now its hard to know whats tea chai, vanilla chai, chocolate, skim this that spiced huh? get yourself some local made delicous chai and a pot to have a home. you'll save a ton of money and be helping the planet by using less take away cups;) i spend 8 beauitful months living in Byron, and spent many a moments loving and healing among beauitful beings in the chai tents scattered around all the markets. feel at one with the earth and warming my heart with the cinnimony goodness.connect with your indian sisters/brothers and tune it to the benefits. get more of the spice in your life. real chai minus all the white sugar and gunk, originates from the annals of india some 5000 years ago belonging to a healing system that relied on herbs and spices to cure various ailments. its a calming agent, helps the immune system, digestion, reduce body aches, cold and flu symtoms..get it in ya!! as the cup touches your lips you feel each special little treat hit your throat, your heart, your kindeys, your mind. check the site for where to purchase it. most health food stores stock it these days. melbournian check passion foods in south melbourne, or wholefoods in Brighton. it costs around 10 bucks and brewing it yourself- gives it that extra special magic. share it with loved ones, or your favourite show at night. but experience the real deal man. just add honey me oh my fix it with chai;)

'imagine 88'

see that tat on my right wrist?
his my main john lennon. arrogant or not
channeled a wave inside my depth.
when i was relentlessly sick with chronic fatigue i tapped into my need for music and my apparent connection with its roots.
i found lyrics efforless and melodies easy to construct. now i cant image my life without singing and when i decided to get a musical tatoo it only made sense to pay homage to him. I found it far too cliche and obvious (two things i hate to be) to get music notes.
instead after watching the 'Image' documentary, my opinion of music changed. the 88 is my lucky number (in 8) but also singificant as it popped up everywhere in the doco and his biography. The number of his house, places, records, millions, and he was shot on the 8th 1980...i later had my brothers intials added but thats a whole other story in itself. M.L. Imagine may not be my ultimate favourite song to listen to but it is my favourite song ever from a writing point of view. it has instant heart, connection, depth. it is easy and catchy. the melody and keys are genius and accessable and the message pure and simple. it suites all occasions and is timeless. not many can make a timeless tune- perhaps sir elton john and of course Micheal Jackson. Lennon and I had that moment. I have had a few in my life thus far. You know those moments where everything stops. something shifts. you change for the better, you have an epiphany, your eyes open, your weighless. its white, its God. whatever it is its magnificent. so it s only fitting i have him on my body- as part of my story- another dab of ink to the kapella canvas

'your talk is cheap'

Unsure, why you started a silent war
Between an intimacy that liked us both.
Words are meant to be spoken
Is your heart still broken?
Is it scared of me
Because it shouldn’t be
I love for free. Deep. Free
Is me.
I’m a gypsy I’m going to wander I guess you wonder where that leaves you?

Cant we just see
Over analysing is a blind philosophy
Your silence is deafening me

Speak! you’re an artist express yourself
You seemed to have no trouble opening your mouth
When its counts….though
Numbers a few…
I tried to phone where are you?
I told you to do your thing
You took my words wrong
You got bruised confused
You took my words wrong
Hazed in by the green you smoke
Wary that I bring you hope
Too soon to feel this way that’s cool baby cool
Too soon to feel isn’t real- weap pity for the fool
Foolish is it to disconnect
Neglect what the universe threw
A lucky stike for two.
Two phoenixes that need to burn before they rise again
My wings may be fragile too but I need an honest man
You took my words wrong
I welcome you to come along
Im sorry for what they implied inside…
But after such an intense moment
Your words now feel like lies.
You dont need to promise me things
Yes please just do your thing
But come to me when your ready
Because darling it may feel heavy,
Heavy isn’t bad, heavy is your conscience
Fall apart on me if need be
I love to love that side- see..
That I come as I am…
I don’t have an agenda
Before you work on your art, quit being a pretender

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

yo yo!! its like a yo yo

hello lovers brothers friends and lovers
this is my new blog. where i will be posting works in which i will be submitting for publications, and simply to share and entertain. i have offically been baptised a writer now so i hope be able to put into practice all i have learnt, studied, and essentally all i feel and believe
i hope to make you pound, cry, laugh, and leave at the bits people skip;)
tune in or out, but the level i am currently at is playing some sweet music- so embrace, with grace,
create and meditate.
i am working on my my vipassana story as we speak so stayed tuned. those of you who dont know i just got back from a 10 day silent mediation course- yes the thought of me being quiet is hilerous but i did it and i learnt how important, how dangerous, and how abused words can be.
use you words with freedom and expression, but choose them wisely
.....random rainbows is the way to feel. expression after the rain- baby keep it real