Wednesday, July 21, 2010

to chai?

its winter..warm up your insides man with realllllllchai. i think its great that this ridiculous thearapudic tea is now such a trend and so accessable. and i knoowww the powdery ones just taste so sweet and yummy! but they are full of sugar and alot of crap. sure a better alternative to coffee and a sweet treat but there are so many now its hard to know whats tea chai, vanilla chai, chocolate, skim this that spiced huh? get yourself some local made delicous chai and a pot to have a home. you'll save a ton of money and be helping the planet by using less take away cups;) i spend 8 beauitful months living in Byron, and spent many a moments loving and healing among beauitful beings in the chai tents scattered around all the markets. feel at one with the earth and warming my heart with the cinnimony goodness.connect with your indian sisters/brothers and tune it to the benefits. get more of the spice in your life. real chai minus all the white sugar and gunk, originates from the annals of india some 5000 years ago belonging to a healing system that relied on herbs and spices to cure various ailments. its a calming agent, helps the immune system, digestion, reduce body aches, cold and flu symtoms..get it in ya!! as the cup touches your lips you feel each special little treat hit your throat, your heart, your kindeys, your mind. check the site for where to purchase it. most health food stores stock it these days. melbournian check passion foods in south melbourne, or wholefoods in Brighton. it costs around 10 bucks and brewing it yourself- gives it that extra special magic. share it with loved ones, or your favourite show at night. but experience the real deal man. just add honey me oh my fix it with chai;)

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