Wednesday, July 21, 2010

'your talk is cheap'

Unsure, why you started a silent war
Between an intimacy that liked us both.
Words are meant to be spoken
Is your heart still broken?
Is it scared of me
Because it shouldn’t be
I love for free. Deep. Free
Is me.
I’m a gypsy I’m going to wander I guess you wonder where that leaves you?

Cant we just see
Over analysing is a blind philosophy
Your silence is deafening me

Speak! you’re an artist express yourself
You seemed to have no trouble opening your mouth
When its counts….though
Numbers a few…
I tried to phone where are you?
I told you to do your thing
You took my words wrong
You got bruised confused
You took my words wrong
Hazed in by the green you smoke
Wary that I bring you hope
Too soon to feel this way that’s cool baby cool
Too soon to feel isn’t real- weap pity for the fool
Foolish is it to disconnect
Neglect what the universe threw
A lucky stike for two.
Two phoenixes that need to burn before they rise again
My wings may be fragile too but I need an honest man
You took my words wrong
I welcome you to come along
Im sorry for what they implied inside…
But after such an intense moment
Your words now feel like lies.
You dont need to promise me things
Yes please just do your thing
But come to me when your ready
Because darling it may feel heavy,
Heavy isn’t bad, heavy is your conscience
Fall apart on me if need be
I love to love that side- see..
That I come as I am…
I don’t have an agenda
Before you work on your art, quit being a pretender

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