Wednesday, July 21, 2010

swirling ink

i write because i can.
because i was assumed a role and folllowed their lead.
i write to taste my thoughts
to sleep, for peace.
i write because he told me to
more so
because she told me not to.
i write to prove nothing.
i write to learn about myself
to give a vessel to the silenced ghost screaming in my thoughts.
i write for children who never get the chance
to hold a pen to paper and let their minds dance.
i write to enforce an illusion
so all the useless information holds a purpose
i write so you listen,
i write so i stop.
i write physically mentally, incontrollably.
i write to create my own words
to feel among the men…im louder than your power.
i write to feel, to touch, to be full blown intimate.
intimate with the guts of human resourcefulness
i write to feel power
to feel controll.
i write about what i have learnt and lost
i write about nothing at all nothing at all.

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