Monday, November 29, 2010

Its ok to figure it out as you go.
I decided it was ok because it’s the only way to feel ok about such an unstable industry.
I decided that I float through my words like they are ambitions.
My voice is how I want to make my mark.
Writing, singing creating life from an idea or truth inspired moments, is a constant.
I will continue as long as I stay observant and mediative.

I want to point out little moments of colour, life and intrigue.
Give bits of me and bits of the world.
I was just talking with my friend the other day about how many talents there are across the world, dancers, singers, musicians, actors, writers. The idea of art as life are so full and so endless.
As is opportunity. As is life.
Stay aware to its claws and calls.
Stay above and open and optimistic.
We need to speak our piece and share are ideas and art.
For whom better to inspire than each other. Our Mamma’s always taught as to share.
Lets put our teaching to use.
Don’t dispel or cheat one another. Don’t plagiarize or lie.
But dig through the crazy, full box of thought that is the internet.
Don’t be scared to trust technology and sift, surf cruise the net.
I speak in third person here. I speak to me first.
Then translate through to you.
I want to write about life, food, health, movies, music, fashion, dance, drama.
I am scared of politics, and religious talk, I fear we can never speak the same language when it comes to these topics. So you won’t find me in that section of the library or papers.
But you will find me….again I am talking to myself at this point.

I wouldn’t know what to do with a gun,
I wouldn’t know what to do without my words.
I have decided its ok to figure it out as I go.
I can’t get stuck in the nine to five.
Words will one day be my bread and butter.
It may only pays for my bread for some time that s ok too, ill enjoy the toppings much more later. With my love by my side.
For now I’m cool eating my toast plain.

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