Friday, August 20, 2010

my tip 10 top health list: eat on shine on

My top 10 list of health/treat must haves:
Recently I partook in a 10 silent meditation course out in the hills- the most phenomenal mental and physical toxins entered and released from my body. A multitude of things happened to me one thing being a voice repeating “if your good to your body your body will be good to you” I am working on my vipassana piece at the moment so stay tuned;) but since returning I have been even more into doing good things for my body- putting nutrients and love into it and I love discovering new foods, fruits, vitamins- oils anything to help me feel and live a little longer;)
So I am going to set up a health tips kind of guide to different shops, teas, foods, anything I am loving or doing for myself that I feel are working and shifting something in me- I write to try and help others feel and connect and I think through our shared desire to be good to ourselves and bodies a health blog is a nice way to go about it without being to preachy- im not a trained professional but I know enough and hear loads from those around me so im’a share with you all- take what you will do as you feel;) the new blog will be called organic apple- for now heres my top 10 im loving it factors- come work at least one into your day or diet
Peace love and mung beans angel pies!

Its winter- its cold- it’s all a little sensitive and sore this time of year
Look after yourself man! Cut back on coffees and pack more fruit and lunch, then use that extra pocket to indulge in a few little luxuries;)
Heres what I’m loving…

1.Jujube berries- organic or health food shops. This is my latest new find. I just was attracted to them when shopping at wholefoods yesterday. Around $8 for a packet, they are an ancient Chinese remedy, from Sheenanog, used to nourish blood, liver and stomach- with me anything to help out my liver and aid for…mind and body, fatigue and weakness- which again with my years of chronic fatigue, anything to boost my tired body I hone in on, they also contain vitamin C, A, E, B and B2.

2. Coconut water- that latest craze, you will develop to crave at least one bottle a day. I’m trying to cut down on coffees so despite the over priced pull at $6 a bottle it seems justified. I discovered coconut water at my Bikram Yoga studio, and since buying one really cant stop. Its amazingly re hydrating for your body and your skin..and no not coconut cream, it is literally the real deal straight from the beautiful little nut itself. Im all about the treats of nature, natural and wholesome. If your feeling run down, just had a work out, or your skins freaking out from the wind and low cold lingers all around- go loco for coco I’m telling you. Try health food stores again but I’m sure before we know it, it will be much more accessible. The BEST brand is, Coco juice- pure organic coconut water in an old school carton. Unlike those ‘vitamin waters’ its low in sugar and carbs, its re storing and helps fight off the nasties, some have said it even promotes weight lost and boost the metabolism.
Im all about teas, and hot drinks in winter, but I also try to drink at least 3 to 4 litres of water a day. I love water, and cant fathom when people tell me they cant really drink it, but if this is the case, seriously check out coconut juice- pure organic coconut water.
Follow this link to see what some of the benefits are:

Once u have tasted it, the health benefits will seem extraneous, but check it all the same

3. Lavender oil: is almost becoming my new fragrance. A little on the back of your neck and wrists before you leave the house or before you get into bed will take that little edge away from your zone. Lavender means ‘to wash’ it has the ability to remove pain and nervous tension. With that being said don’t go crazy because too much will over power you and can cause head aches.
If you have some trouble sleeping too, lavender dabbed on your pillow is beautiful to inhale at night.

4. Tiger balm- extra strength! The chilli kind. This stuff rocks the socks of vics when your not well I believe…but be sure to wash your hands after applying or before going to the bathroom!...

5. Chilli chocolate: Lindt or Green and Blacks organic chocolate. They say chilli and dark chocolate are good for you- so put them both together and you must be doing something right for your body. I am admittedly addicted. It’s the bomb at night with a hot cup of peppermint tea- dip the chocolate in to you tea..mmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

6. English breakfast ‘natures cuppa’ organic tea- but theres a little trick to making it so good. Use cows milk or soy has to be organic and not light to get full cream effect- soak bag with honey or sugar and small piece of ginger.
Gives a beautiful smooth kick to your insides

7. Horseradish and garlic multi vitamins- you may gag at first, but these are dynamite for your immune system, I’m taking them right now actually, trying to kill this current colds butt.

8. Johnson’s baby oil or coconut oil for face and hair.
If your like me and you dry up in winter apply oil to your hair and face- gives you the silk that you need and creates an illusion of summer time with sweet coconuty smell! I like oil in my hair straight after I wash it as its fairly thick, but I found my skin loves oil especially in winter. You won’t get pimples that’s rubbish. I remember when I was younger and my sister had two American girls stay with us on exchange. They had the most phenomenal skin, and told my sister they washed their faces with cooking/olive oil every night!...
9. T2 tea strainer/pots. Easy to wash if you’re like me and drink around 100 cups of different teas a day hook yourself up with a single tea pot/plunger. I also have a friend who gets a great discount buying in bulk from T2 so if you have a Turkish apple addiction or a favourite herbal remedy you cant get enough of, enquire with in…
email me at
10. Epsom salts/ milk and orange aromatherapy oil
Bath time- male female, young old, sick not sick. Busy or chilled... Everyone must take one day a week for a bath….lay it with your left over milk, Epsom salts for aches and pains, and with a hit of orange essential oil, gives body and mind, and tantalizing, relaxing and rewarding little moment. Vitamin C outside as well as in, and takes away that dry, drab, brisky aired feeling of a chilly day. It does something to the insides, faster than a cup of hot coco. As Erykah Badu said “ladies make time for your bubble bath..”

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