Thursday, September 9, 2010


In tune with the liver points
The poor one sighs with frustration
It explains my behaviour of recent
Learn to project to feel to pursue and exude happiness before you can access it
I want out of this job. Pumping coffees and my energy into other people all day is not me.
To serve… serve for little purpose, little coin and little inspiration
I need to create to be moved. A vibration of this energetic field
Today Adrienne just re enforce to manifest and be grateful before quitting
I’m a writer, I’m a singer. I’m already writing, singing, already successful
In order to get it, and I will first I must believe it, speak it aloud and be happy in my present environment.
Tomorrow I will nuture that barrista like it’s my stage. The coffee beans my ink, and the groove heads that pour Mr and Mrs their caffeine hit, my love and words and art.
She unblocked the tension and clot in my head and brain channel and within a instant I jolted out of my body, that feeling you get just before you fall into sleep.
Calmer and more in tune with the earth, she grounded me
I ground the coffee- I want let it be a burden or a migraine
Weening off negativity to manifest my true path.
To have here or take away? To have and to hold. Any sugars? aint life the sweetest gift.
Gifted. Given space to acquire the wisdom to know I am blessed.

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