Thursday, September 16, 2010

swear words, words unworthy

“The kindest word in all the world: is the unkind word unsaid”

Your words are harsh and unnecessary
I don’t like them, much like your energy.
You speak profanity to mask your fear
Bold and aggressive you have no idea,
The off balance you set just by your presence
Swear all you like, swear loud, with some merit.
I choose not to re type re phrase your foul mouth
I choose not to strike the iron you want me to shout
People fall out of line and stumble on their coffee
I have seen it before so your brute doesn’t shock me.
It’s not just your words that seem to end with blasphemy
The way you walk the way you eat, it’s in all that you carry.
Put your bag down, unload some of the junk
We good folk just don’t give a ‘fuck’
See how nasty this tastes left on the tip of the tongue?
That’s what you do to others with your shrill aggression
Take time, chew your food and your words too
Language is a gift that should be met with gratitude.
Take a que from the classics, a leaf out of their book
Wordsworth, Poe, Plath, Hemingway and Virginia Woolf.

“That best portion of a man's life, his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.” Wordsworth

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