Monday, November 29, 2010

Its ok to figure it out as you go.
I decided it was ok because it’s the only way to feel ok about such an unstable industry.
I decided that I float through my words like they are ambitions.
My voice is how I want to make my mark.
Writing, singing creating life from an idea or truth inspired moments, is a constant.
I will continue as long as I stay observant and mediative.

I want to point out little moments of colour, life and intrigue.
Give bits of me and bits of the world.
I was just talking with my friend the other day about how many talents there are across the world, dancers, singers, musicians, actors, writers. The idea of art as life are so full and so endless.
As is opportunity. As is life.
Stay aware to its claws and calls.
Stay above and open and optimistic.
We need to speak our piece and share are ideas and art.
For whom better to inspire than each other. Our Mamma’s always taught as to share.
Lets put our teaching to use.
Don’t dispel or cheat one another. Don’t plagiarize or lie.
But dig through the crazy, full box of thought that is the internet.
Don’t be scared to trust technology and sift, surf cruise the net.
I speak in third person here. I speak to me first.
Then translate through to you.
I want to write about life, food, health, movies, music, fashion, dance, drama.
I am scared of politics, and religious talk, I fear we can never speak the same language when it comes to these topics. So you won’t find me in that section of the library or papers.
But you will find me….again I am talking to myself at this point.

I wouldn’t know what to do with a gun,
I wouldn’t know what to do without my words.
I have decided its ok to figure it out as I go.
I can’t get stuck in the nine to five.
Words will one day be my bread and butter.
It may only pays for my bread for some time that s ok too, ill enjoy the toppings much more later. With my love by my side.
For now I’m cool eating my toast plain.

must be love

A cliché?
Never no way.
Its nice to find another who you are truly compatible with.
I have found it to be a struggle in my 25 years of breathe thus far.
Polar. Epic extremes of love I have for family and friends, friendships and alliances formed with ease.
Relationships not so much.
He liked me right away. I liked that I wasn’t scared of him.
I have hoped for many things, but all at the wrong time.
I have had many beautiful moments, (don’t get me wrong,) they all seemed to…
But that’s all they ever were.
Mere moments, I misunderstood as relationships. Happy to settle simply because I knew I was unconventional.
Always cool because it worked for me. Big egos, big energies.
Have to be hugely creative, and inspiring, to feed off that and be bigger than life.
Full of light and smiles, perfect until it all of a sudden isn’t.
Obsessive, anxiety, tears, lack of sleep, lack of food, lack of light.
These things I craved and belived up to be what made me feel good, where everything that was wrong, making me crave things that were not good for me or my health at all. Making me on edge and as a result unable to touch the ground properly.
I needed new ground, new shoes a new path.
Sucked dry and totally worse off than before.
A friend once said to me ‘you were fine before him, you’ll be fine after him.’ I could never help but wonder if I was fine before him why did I seek this out? If I was fine I wouldn’t have batted my eyes to it? Perhaps the key to realisation is appreciation for what was. Not hatred or ill will.
I created more wholes to repair. More damage.
Never a fan of Tiffany’s or tissues, but more of a girl than I ever let myself believe.
I moved away took a break and gave myself a break also. Don’t be so hard, beating yourself up when your already bruised.
So use to dealing on my own, in private. In my music and my words.
Now I deal with him and its scary but secure at the same time.
He loves my crazy as much as my calm, and I couldn’t have it any other way.

No two people can ever fully get each other, it’s the accepting of that, that makes a relationship. t
That’s the sacred key ever ones searching for. The hardest part is letting someone in, not figuring them out, that bit, that’s the fun bit.
Figure me out baby, I dare you.
I want to be that wife, that mother, that bride.
I will venture and float, but always come back to you, as my mother taught me to always go back to the truth, you feel true, and you are my truth.

round two, with 2

Too far gone I can guarantee that man is in her coffee
In her diary in her laundry in her nightie
Too far gone is the danger when your gone
You are not there.
But you can be here one moment and gone the next
So come back to the here
Come back to the present.
That amazing gift of a second chance.
A second dance can feel just as good as the first.